PyTorch: dividing dataset, transformations, training on GPU and metric visualization

In machine learning designing the structure of the model and training the neural network are relatively small elements of a longer chain of activities. We usually start with understanding business requirements, collecting and curating data, dividing it into training, validation and test subsets, and finally serving data to the model. Along the way, there are …

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Artificial intelligence and blockchain

Looking at the advances in technology over the past few years, it’s hard to name two more breakthrough technologies than artificial intelligence and blockchain. The former opened up entirely new possibilities in the fields of data analysis, predictions and robotics. The later one elevated decentralization, transparency and security as a result of the immutability built …

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Artificial intelligence – a few key concepts

Until recently, a large part of the key concepts in the field of artificial intelligence was not so clearly defined. Some of them, such as Deep Learning, were even referred to as “buzzwords”, term used mainly by marketing and not strictly translated into scientific areas. Now, the basic concepts seem to have taken hold, and …

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Convolutional neural network 4: data augmentation

In the previous three parts of the tutorial, we learned about convolutional networks in detail. We looked at the convolution operation, the convolutional network architecture, and the problem of overfitting. In the classification of the CIFAR-10 dataset we achieved 81% on the test set. To go further we would have to change the architecture of …

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Convolutional neural network 3: convnets and overfitting

Convolutional neural network is one of the most effective neural network architecture in the field of image classification. In the first part of the tutorial, we discussed the convolution operation and built a simple densely connected neural network, which we used to classify CIFAR-10 dataset, achieving accuracy of 47%. In the second part of the …

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Convolutional neural network 2: architecture

Convolutional neural network provides one of the best classification results for images. In the previous post, you had the opportunity to learn what a convolution is and how to classify a CIFAR-10 dataset using a simple densly connected neural network. By the way, we have obtained accuracy of 47% on the test set. In the …

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Convolutional neural network

Convolutional neural network 1: convolutions

Deep neural networks are widely used in image and shape recognition. Examples of applications include face recognition, image analysis in medicine, handwriting classification, and detection of surrounding objects. A special type of neural network that handles image processing extremely well is a convolutional neural network. I have to admit that ConvNet is my favorite deep …

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Development environment for machine learning

Development environment for machine learning

One of the first problems faced by AI students is how to build a development environment for machine learning. This is an ungrateful issue because there are many methods and tools available and sometimes you simply don’t know which to choose and where to start. Added to this are the issues of choosing libraries for …

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Logistic Regression for binary classification

Logistic regression and Keras for classification

Today I would like to present an example of using logistic regression and Keras for the binary classification. I know that this previous sentence does not sound very encouraging 😉 , so maybe let’s start from the basics. We divide machine learning into supervised and unsupervised (and reinforced learning, but let’s skip this now). Supervised …

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